Augmented reality is an enhanced version of a real-world environment in which the learning environment is made interactive through technology. For instance, it uses computer generated tools to enhance how we see the world. I have inserted a quick 60 second crash course video on augmented reality because I think it gives some relevant examples that help explain this topic.

So now that we know what augmented reality is, how does this benefit learning? After looking at the principles of learning developed by educational psychologists I noticed that augmented reality being implemented in teaching can greatly enhance a student’s engagement with material (Principles of Learning, n.d). For instance, the principle of intensity states that students are more likely to retain information when the lesson is an exciting learning experience (Principles of Learning, n.d.). Augmented reality offers a new and therefore, exciting way of teaching that caters to children’s curiosity. In other words, augmented reality creates new learning possibilities that interest children because they challenge the conventional learning process that restricts one’s creativity. Additionally, the learning principle of effect argues that students develop motivation based on their emotional reaction to the learning experience (Principles of Learning, n.d). Thus, if the learning activity looks fun and exciting a student is more likely to want to engage in the lesson. Therefore, because augmented reality offers students the ability to access subject matter that they would not traditionally be able to explore, it creates a lot of new excitement among children. I have included a youtube video below that shows how students are engaging with augmented reality lessons in a classroom environment


Principles of learning. Psychology Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2021, from

What is Augmented Reality in 60 Seconds. (2021). YouTube. Retrieved November 26, 2021, from

Using 3D Augmented Reality to Increase Student Engagement. (2021). YouTube. Retrieved November 26, 2021, from