Above I have included a picture of a sketch note I made for my nutrition class this year. Normally I find it very helpful to make a one page “study guide” where I put all the important information, graphs, and equations that I need to know for the exam. When i make this study guide I always use colours and make sure that my information flows from one topic to the next. However, after doing this weeks readings, I think the next time I make a study guide for a class I will include pictures. When i was working on this sketchnote I realized that the pictures helped me remember facts better because I could visual my sketches that represented the words I needed to remember.
The Dual Code theory explains how using pictures and words simultaneously can improve students ability to retain information better over time. The theory was proposed by Allen Paivio, who argues that the formation of images when studying can aide ones ability to learn and retain written information. He states that visual images and words are processed differently, which provides two different representations of the information, and it can be argued that students tend to learn better when teaching combines multiple different learning approaches.
Below I have included a quick crash course video that further explains the Dual Code theory
Kaster, A. (2019). Dual Coding theory. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wixEGpznyG8